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Who's who in tourism?

The tourism industry comprises all businesses that offer goods or services to support business, pleasure, and leisure activities outside the home environment.


Properly managed tourism benefits everyone, particularly in regional areas, as it broadens the economic base and creates more job opportunities.


Although tourism businesses like accommodation and tour operators only employ a small fraction of the workforce in the industry, the money spent by tourists spreads throughout the community and economy, often in unexpected ways.


How Tourism Works

The current tourism system is a complex structure that involves various destination marketing organizations, which require additional investments in the form of membership fees for industry engagement.


Tourism Australia (TA) is the agency responsible for attracting international visitors to Australia for both leisure and business events is the Australian government.


Tourism WA (TWA) The Western Australian Government has established as a statutory body that serves as the primary marketing, destination, and experience development agency for the state. It also handles major events.


Australia’s North West Tourism (ANW) are the primary tourism organization for the Kimberley and Pilbara regions in Western Australia. Their main responsibility is to promote the North West as a top-notch tourism destination in both local and global markets.


ANW's goal is to attract more visitors on behalf of their members.


ANW is a not-for-profit organisation, funded by a combination of membership fees and support from Tourism WA, Local Governments and other stakeholders. Members play an active role in setting the strategy for the marketing of the region and are represented on the Board of ANW. 

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